Custom Painting

Cool custom painting

You can trust us for full service car painting

Good for just a touch up or a whole new look

Whatever your automotive painting needs, we can fill them in!

Whether you need small touch up painting to make the car look as good as it did

pre-accident or are looking for a full re-paint, you can call the experts at Autobody

to take care of all your painting needs.


Perfect paint jobs every time

Whatever type of painting service you need, we can get it done. From touch ups that need to blend in perfectly with what's already there to the fully professional change of color or design, we can help get your car looking the way you want it to!

We can handle all your custom paint jobs

  • Basic painting
  • Touch up paint jobs
  • Full custom paint jobs
  • Full car painting and more!
car painting

When it comes to getting your car completely ready for the road ahead, you can count on us to cover every single aspect all the way to finishing with the perfect

paint job.

car body paint

30 Years of service

When you need a custom paint job to get your car looking the way it needs to, it's time to give our specialists a call. Call  781-289-1757 today!

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